Sunday, October 31, 2004, 3:22 PM
i m starting to absolutely believe in the n.l cube theory
no love
no life
no lui (as in $$)
yeah my farking wallet has no farking money.
dun tok bout farking love
lest bout farking lui
no's miserable.
uh huh.2 down 1 to go.fark all exams they just make me sick.and then again,w/o exams how do ya get ur long breaks?
5 weeks aint long blady shit sp.i bet everyone has planned for the hols stuff and all dat,cant wait to get their ass kickin in fun.
sis has even ask for a schedule on wads on for this haf supper tog and try the best food in singapore all in a just gets me hungry,food anyone?
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, October 29, 2004, 3:07 PM
can anyone tell me how is it possible to sit still and i mean
REAL still for a muthafugger
3 hr paper which is lyke absolute madness.
pls i cant even sit still for fugging 30 min,not to mention a 3 hr paper,can i bring snacks in?lyke
potato chips and enjoy my mkting paper in case my stomach wud growl since food not provided.oooh since when is food provided in the exam rm...
accts and econs
tragedy has ended.dit i mention tragedy.lyke wad da farking hell.
i dit mostly wad i can.since the pass few days was occupied wif sleeping in this coincidentally good weather and of cos munching on my chips and TV since fairprice coincidentally happened to be dwnstairs too...
i cant wait to lyke ermm haf
been staring at the calendar.hope time flies.and when the hols come,hope time
DUN fly.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, October 26, 2004, 1:29 PM
had accts test ytd.useless.hungry.cold.
so dark.took a cab home instead after buying food.
so i m now declared to live w/o $$
i m dying to get loads of stuff after the exams man.
no money no tok.
the uncle has called to apologise.i din even bother.
wads the pt.u killed sumone and hear u trying to apologise?!
i dun take dat shit
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Monday, October 25, 2004, 11:21 AM
i screamed.i yelled.i shout.i cried.
tsk tsk sorry mered.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Saturday, October 23, 2004, 11:02 AM
wed-thur ---went to jasmine psychic'c chalet bdae,had fun sharing secrets and stuff thru the nite,wads a chalet w/o the dunnit-to-slp part,hope she lyked the present and cake the queengang gave...hehe and ultimately the best is dat she enjoyed herself!happy bdae again!
had EC presentation after dat,i was hafing this post chalet syndrome,brain dead and stuff.rushed out the work after reaching home,so much prob arised till we finally came out wif the final work which was screwed up.felt bad cos farhan had oreadi prepared everything and we dit our last minute work at the chalet.heng ah.the lappy was brot there.i think we din even noe which solution we were toking bout during the presentation.i shall not harder next time hehe. the urge to study accts but gave tv.
today---just got back from SIR,got my passport done,the pic in there was blady horrible,din wanna even check.825am nuttin beta to do so alight at queens station.saw DANIEL and unknowingly we tok for such a long time till my ass hurts man.but i mean it was quality time spent.
he sold me soyabean curd and gave mi nescafe(i bet he was makng a loss)well wad to do,fren mah. so we exchanged stuff here and there.
ATTACHMENT AND DETACHMENT,roles a boifren shd play,boifren being partner and companion, being seletive,unlocking onself,making frens wif pple whom everyone hate,communcation,interaction,self establishment,self help,u care so u r a listener,pple dun realli care bout ya so they dun ask.
i betcha thinkin a 31 yr old drink seller can share so much in depth stuff which realli got mi thinkin.i stayed there for practically an hr plus seeing 195 pass so many times.i go to noe myself more.alot more.
typical questions like 'y u dun haf a boifren?'
'wad do u look for in a boifren?'
i said the usual blah blah stuff.he refered to his wife as an example dat he played several roles to his wife.a husband.a father.a friend.
well it got mi thinkin
he said 'if ur partner can onli play the role of a boifren den just gif him up.dats it'.
'he shud noe when to play wad role at wad time,not as in acting so busy,but he's there where u need sum1 to reason out wif and stuff'
i gave him an example of jonathan's case too,dat he is kinda untactful.well he din told mi to ostracise jonathan but to let him noe the reason of humbleness.he may be intellectually superb but emotionally he wud fail lyke nobody's business,and successuful pple in this day and age must possess a balance of which.and the thang goes on... mi thinkin again
well today's entry is rather long,cos we shared so much stuff.and den again.absorbed 50% of wad others haf to tell u.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 3:39 PM
ITAB ICA pt toking bout it.waste space.(so ya can guess wad happened)
went tiong wif yaya and joyce.dat boring place.4 yrs is enuff for me to rot there.
after dat hopped on the bus.wanted to watch a movie.but sian no $$.no life.saw my ex-colleagues on the bus but i pretend i never see them.omg.the jacks place pple.yewww...they quite nice lah but ya noe sumtimes u just dun wanna open ur mouth and say cheesy things lyke 'HI!!!so long never see u all le!' or 'hows life?!' den comes cold env.bus crowded too so no space to move arnd.i was too lazy to entertain and acknowledge.
todays itab failure keeps me thinkin.thinkin of wad to do after 1 NOV.thinkin of where i can go and haf fun.thinkin of diggin money to spend.i m dying to $.finance constraints is real stressin.i cant wait to go out from dawn till dusk.
wishful thinkin perhaps.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Sunday, October 17, 2004, 10:56 PM

my nephew
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:23 PM
me: wads cbmf?
kacheng: cheebye muthafarker!
me: 'thnx' vulgar
just when i tot i shud clean my comes challenge.
crossroads.i'm behaving more lyke those movies when u r at crossroads den u dunnoe how to move on.den when u move on,ya regret or some fugging shit.or if u dun, u feel bad.eeks.
my hp was blasted wif 22 vibrated till it fell off the table.
they haf feelings too.stress them up and they oppose dat wad hps are supposed to do?
i m dying to jump dwn.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Saturday, October 16, 2004, 10:00 PM
if only pigs can fly.
errr...wad m i thinkin?ate fried hokkien mee today so nice...aiyoh wif lotsa chillin
reminds me of ytd 'manda y r u so hungry u mad iszit?!'
yaya elvin william me went fc2 to eat mac...walk and walk den dunnoe wads the prob so sat dwn and ate mac.
surprisingly i turn up ytd!and i was very early for stats tut...wads more surprising is dat coco was earlier den me wahha!yaya came into the room and practically scream,'thnx' huh!so after dat..ate mac den went for accounts.
guilty dats y i went for accounts.din noe wad they toking bout so slept thruout.
ate fish-sliced noodles after dat,yeah lunch again...yaya was lyke scared man.'thnx' again huh.tok quite abit till we left den went home to sleeep and self entertain.
watched passion of the
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 8:46 PM
Puddle of Mud-blurry
life's a bore.
watched white chicks today wif the gurls.hilarious.luff alot.ate alot.poke alot.saw some lao uncle at the kopitiam where we drinking,they looked totally weird (esp the cleaner he keep staring at us and clearing our drinking cans).dunnoe when gonna see this people again.
come to think of it...tml i haf ITAB (its a blady waste-of-my-time mod man)microsoft excel i totally hate it to the core.dunnoe whether can play FOWL WORDS tml anot?mrs chew is gonna show wad i doing on the main screen sarcastic is dat man...urrrghhh.
haiz i gonna fail the mod everything...
mentioning bout failing...binny..ya damn farnie..esp ur machine gun fren...she seems more despo den ne1 to fail her mods eh.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Monday, October 11, 2004, 7:53 PM

Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 7:50 PM

last few pics..
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 7:50 PM

acting kewl behind farhan.we got lost btw
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 7:49 PM

me and chic,wax stuff behind
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 7:49 PM

dunnoe wad ya call dat,army scarf?
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 7:20 PM
above:pix from fort siloso (5/96 of them)
skipped the first 2 lect .bluffed my way thru dat lect is cancelled in the mum so gullible.she believed hehe.
went sku for lyke 2 hrs.din do sarcastic look wif mr sin den end of lesson.woo wad a day.
i just dun feel lyke going to sku everyday.the mood's not there.but i dun wanna receive another warning letter.lyke there's any other solution uurrhhhg...
when u seemed to feel at ease,u r not actually,it's just ur mind telling u 'it's alryte to haf another warning letter'.wad shit.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, October 08, 2004, 6:47 PM
gotten a flu since feeling terrible cos it still hadnt recover.i can feel the heat circulatin all over my body.i sleep for hrs dat i develope a headache.i sneeze till my nose bleed and the skin peeled.i ate medicine till i lost m crazing for my fav food.wads coming over me?
as if i hadnt suffered we din do peer eval after all.i tot 'if they r gonna be like tis the next proj,they and their grp mates are definitely gonna suffer'.wadeva.
to mei and sis:sorrie cudnt chill wif ya on thur...not at my best
to money:hope u r feeling much better ger...dun tink so much...cheerup!u still haf queengang to back ya up,dun ya?!
to psychic:wow ur last entry left me thinkin....well try to be happy k,u and ur mum still haf the chance to closen the gap!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, October 07, 2004, 10:27 AM
when u feel some things are beyond control,u just haf to listen.
den again.
these colours taste like music.
My Place Lyrics
by Nelly feat Jaheim
I used to pride myself on being the other man
But now it's flipped and I don't want u with no other man
Why can't u understand anything I'm offering
I gave you the world but you just wanted arguing
From the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped u off again
Even flipped out on me at the mall again
"it's all his fault again" that's what u telling all ya friends
I aint pointing fingers ma, I just wanna call again
See how ya day going I know they
stressin on ya
I know them
times get hard that's why I'm checkin on ya
It's yours truly ma, I got a little message for ya
Anything he can do, girl I can do it better for ya, cause
When we laugh or we cry it's together
Through the rain and the stormiest weather
We gon still be as one it's forever, it's forever
Won't you come on and go with me
Come on ova to my place
Won't you sit ya self down and take a seat
And let me ease ya mind girl
We gon do it our way
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, October 05, 2004, 9:33 PM
i finally broke down.
u sometimes cant seem to understand y pple r so disgusting and self centred,they dun care whether u spent nites and days foregoing sleep and lectures and food to finish up stuff dat haf gotta do wif them.
i rushed dwn to sku. 'the gurls are hafing lunch'
so much for team work.i woke up early to do and foregoing breakfast and lunch and wad i hear is 'the gurls are hafing lunch'.
how annoying is dat man.
i told myself the proj is a stepping stone,and main purpose is to finish it up once and for all,but my main purpose isnt to do peer evaluation unless A NEED is there.
i dun understand.i just dun seem to understand.i dit the report.i pieced the slides,edited the stuff,add the pictures and the effects.
contradict myself several times to prepare myself for Q and A.cut out articles for evidence and basis,collected farking brochures and the big day is wad
everything wrecked everything.they started off slow.disorganised (i sent them da presentation last nite they cud haf bothered to look at the short pts and take the initiative to elaborate it today.but they didnt) if they haf done dat,we cud haf proceeded quickly and not waste time.the audience cud haf understand our subject better.
perlyn sim wudnt haf went 'presentation too long.disorganised'
wdeva.its the pt is whether to evaluate. Thanx queengang!
yaya,chic and joyce are arnd to comfort me.yaya treated mi roti prata sho nice.i keep complaining to them.i noe they understand.i noe dat.they seemed to understand how i feel.fortunately i've got them.bad thang is the klaz knew i'm pissed.dats bad.
over is over.threw my sources into the bin.din wanna think bout it.i just feel disgusted.
'i haf to do econs project due on monday'.EEEkkkss the tot of it makes mi puke.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Monday, October 04, 2004, 6:03 PM
i dit the
proposal.i dit the wad else haf i not done.i gonna lament it rite here rite now.i m undergoing the same thang as weiz, grp members dat r keen yet dun produce,how upsetting.i gonna clear the shit for them but its not nice to do peer evaluation.thnx huh
chich din come todae...guess due to personal reasons lyke lil psychic?hehe...
i feel sick and tired.slept dring marketing today,i dreamt of the project, much for a dream
i need money to shop...i haf no black chicken for mum today (she needs some nourishing lah) den no money left.i just cant seem to save dats y.
i think i am undergoing some kinda slackish behaviour,well not new rite....if mum hadnt got a cast on her arm,i wun be going to sku today yet again...i seemed to skip sku too often dat it had lyke affected my results.goodness me.
wad can i do?.ITS JUST ME.
it just rings in my head...
These Are The Days
by Jamie Cullum
these are the days that i've been missing;
give me the taste,
give me the joy of summer wine.
these are the days that bring new meaning;
i feel the stillness of the sun
and i feel fine.
sometimes when the nights are closing early
i remember you and i start to smile.
even though now you don't want to know me
i get on by...
and i go the extra mile.
these are the times of love and meaning;
eyes of the heart melted away
and found the light.
these are the days of endless dreaming;
troubles of life are floating away like a bird
and flyin'.
these are the days.
these are the days.
these are the days.
i thought you said our love would last forever.
believin' that the tears would end for good.
i told them that we'd get though any weather.
maybe that didn't work out
but we did the best we could.
these are the days that i've been missing;
give me the taste,
give me the joy of summer wine.
these are the days that bring new meaning;
i feel the stillness of the sun
and i feel fine.
Manda tilts head_______* ;