Saturday, March 19, 2005, 1:33 AM
this is how we do - the game
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, March 17, 2005, 12:48 PM
guess i gt my retribution.haw.sprained my neck while sleeping.i can barely tok wif my head tilted.sho pain.fuck.
yaya>>so sorry i heeded ur nice 'advice'.I guess i was just stupid or sumthing...nt noeing da assured it will never happen again.plain stupidity la.brain as small as a dinosaur's.probs are sumtymes too much for me to handle but i haf learnt to just let go and live wif it.dats hw we grow,dun we?ur entry is so 'exciting',suddenly reminiscing bout da fun tymes jus dawned on me dat wad i dit was even more stupid-er.thou failed attempt but i had a close was madness.THNX alot ger for being there.....WOAINI. =]
am glad dat i can count on certain pple in tymes of crisis.hoho.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, March 15, 2005, 10:44 PM
read yaya's touching,tears welled in my eyes.i mean it for real.lyke da queens are nowadays queen outing w/o queenbee.i feel bad alwaes being da wet blanket.hope da days of happiness be back before we go our separate ways next sems.hehe sucha nice reminiscine.sudden nostalgia. queens it will be,shall be,will be!!!
chatted wif beeny mei and i can abs understand her situation.disarray.her blady mickey frens shud just put themselves in her shoes.its worth complaining.they r mad lah.mei hope u r feeling better as much as i do.they just dun hell or fuck wif them those blady bitches...stress and unhappiness has befall u till them...hell lah!grp hop..hop ...hop!
drama mama past few days.i shant elaborate.but i'm nw happy of da way things out ur life happy is a choice.ok wad crap.its suppose to be natural nt a choice.we shud actually live out 999999 of our emotions and experience them.i think i dit half.ok wad load of crap.
choose...choose (its nt a choice idiot)
'da person woe cried da hardest may not be da saddest' -f***
so true.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Sunday, March 13, 2005, 10:59 PM
i noe y i hate da world.dun c me as a freak.i aint one.dun bring to psychol when there aint nuttin wrong wif him u muttafugga.
'nuff said.
chic>>changed da video,online vJ...dat 'do' is so 'high'
yaya>>yea all locked up and fine
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, March 03, 2005, 2:15 PM

on closer view
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 2:14 PM

ta looked lyke a chinese 'shui' character.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 1:28 PM
y am i blogging here?i din go sku.nt lyke as usual.i haf been going since last wed n i'm proud of dat.
da stomach flu is making me sick.i ate ban mian after lessons ytd and pizza during must haf been da pizza. (extra chilli and cheeze). yaya said it smelled lyke garbage.thnx huh.
morning was just spent on shittin and more shittin.
perks :haf got a temp tattoo (it looked lyke a chinese 'swuay' character) , managed to dl 'uh-oh were in trouble' for lily sista
went wif chic to queensway shoppin centre after econs tuts ytd.she was tryin to find her 'limited edition' nike sneakers wif da pink must haf been realli 'limited' cuz all we cud see was da latest arrival in purple.
me:later if we wanna shit again,can go up to the staff toilets upstairs,my mum has da keys,cleaner wif free toilet papet.
chic:u mean ur mum work upstairs,ok!
an hour later.
chic:call ur mum man,i wanna see her,den can sun bian go shit (toilet papers are free)
me:wad tym is it?(checks da watch)
ooh 4.30 she has left le.
chic:--__--\\ to think we tok so much.
queens is realli gian peng,they charge toilet papers at 10 cents per i-dunnoe-wad-ya-call-dat, a row?a piece?cheapo.
so chic got da purple version instead.they onli haf 3pairs of size 9.lucky u man!
pple:ya noe u r da first to get this pair?itz damn latest.2-3 hrs ago.
me and chic:oh realli?!(tot to ourselves)first to buy this pair in this shop or first to wear the shoes?
the purple tic was kinda nice.since no pink den purple la.mai hiam buay pai.she has accepted it.
moreover,da 'first' seh.
walked arnd.ate tea eggs yogurt etc.chic is over amazed by the food.heh
jas chic tot of weaving her hair lyke mabbe 2 strands.cum to tink of strand wud be weird.1 strand 17 bucks,temp hua.she has ushering ltr tio caught cus she 'ambassodor of sp'.
temp tattoo wud be better since she wearing black stockings.ha da album of tattoos looked pathetic at first (DIY cut-outs yucks,super big designs etc), moreover a grp of foreigners was pissin us off,they had temp tattoos all over their body.oh pls.
we were set on 2 designs.chic chose a round 1 4 a butterflies this tym.
while chic was doing hers,
me:nice,later go clubbin just rite,can expose mabbe half of it or sumthang
chic:yeah man!later go club wif us leh
tattoo artist:go club wif u all?ladies nite rite?dats da tym where u gain
chic:i askin her
me:hehe (luffing loudly to myself thou)
my driving lesson startin and chic had to go so we rushed to queens mrt wif da fucking 195.
i tot of joinin da gurls after my parents r asleep.sneak-outs.they slept a few min b4 midnite and i had a brawl wif my mum over trivial stuffs.fucking hell.bad nite.
she took my fone when i was bout to leave.hell.
everythang is cancelled.pissin me off.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, March 02, 2005, 12:25 AM
heyhey guess wad.i din skip lessons nor sku.
behaviour no 1.
attitude no 1.
self praise no 1.
haiz but i'm stil so tired man.
Manda tilts head_______* ;