Monday, August 29, 2005, 8:22 PM
ssm presentatn today.highlight was da dry me sua ku but i'm amazed at how da dry ice brot some kinda mystical ambience to da whole thang (wedding banquet hah).its cool.
we got da dry ice during the hottest part of da dae...and walked so much till we realised it was jus in front of ma HSE,YIKES!!luckily no one scolded me,haha but they were (!@##$%^silently) in their heart.
'aiyoh changzhang u realli nw di neng man!'
played PITS wif da prev grp too.shall upload da pics when leader sends wife and i and da rest of da monty gang, sexy leader,low mentality and her wife.haha pure fun.
had to bring bck the potpourri and potted fake plastic plants and fish jie's plastic rubbish ma fan....lyke auntie...
since i'm unusually free today w/o typing report/rubbish,surfed frenster of all thang.can u imagine...age old frenster.
found ma old pri sku fren called liwen,she left RV when she was p5 and here she is..super chiongster at cjc!no way m i gonna rattle on bout her but she's this thick glassed,thin little bookworm, who has this cute little innocent smile, awww.....
now someone's super chiongster whos a hot chick,wheewww...
pple jus change dun they?
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, August 24, 2005, 7:46 PM
who doesnt become fat or worst,obese if u eat and imm sit on ya blady couch,typing those neverending reports,munch on those snacks aka fat fatfood,EVERYDAY?
and i mean EVERYDAY.
i can see a tummy bulging,big and growing,ooh wtf.
Tell me.who doesnt?!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
edited agn
Monday, August 22, 2005, 10:46 PM
fucking pissed k.
i typed a whole load of crap 4 fucking this entry and my fucking internet jus cut practically deleted the whole blady entry.
cant imagine my piss-siness....UURRGGHH!
watched the maid today wif the HMC (horror movie catchers)comprising of yaya,fish jie hafiz and cinema friendly horror movie.3/5 rated
presentatn today.good food.nice music.nice presenters.nice fotos.nice flowers.
took a lovers shot wif hafiz wif the purple chrysathemums and the oh-so-popular idiotic shot wif fish jie and yaya.
the prev post was 4 times the fucking size of this.i m too pissed to lengthen it.
ok digressing.
wahahahaha!!!!!!!!i tell u i gonna luff till ma sides HURT when i read chic's blog!
yeah u got me rite,chic's as in the 10 years neh c her and onli heard her voice, dats gonna b the next blogebrity (wif ya witty antics i tell ya u sure gonna raise the stakes man,rite on ger!)
she blogged bout her ice kachang (super farnie k) dat looks lyke shit, blogged bout cheena charbo acting cute and so full of themselves,blogged bout the teeny weeny details in her life down to the last bit.And she good luck-ed me for my TP which failed terribly and horribly,hawhaw.wads success w/o muthafuga failure.oh yeah self consolation agn.
i am fat and feel fat.i got a tummy.uurghh will explain it on the next entry.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 7:47 PM

dee-ma mute gurl dit this.kewl rite.
Swensens.boring da train. jie.elvin.dee.zander.calvin
gosh we are jus sucha bunch of self obsessed creeps hawhaw.
Manda tilts head_______* ;