Monday, November 28, 2005, 11:15 PM
yeap wenta chalet over da weekend.
wad can i say...driving simply rox big tym.esp on da xpressways.
its oso nice ta c fellow p-platers on da road,i horned a fucking car on sunday.
dat muthafugga car jus deserves it.he even flung his hands in da air gifing da kannenaohia xpression.
fuck you.
oh yeah,and i mistook a pckt of tissues 4 pillow diz afternn at long j's.
i knew hw tired i was.
yea fizzy and linglong?
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, November 24, 2005, 11:31 PM

keke diz was taken by fizzy at fc4 while waiting for da gurls to buy their lunch,i looked lyke some cult master (as quoted by fizzy).no link can.
went for conb today nia,spent da rest of da day at k-ster.
kbox was below kster,so can ya imagine we cheapos (me,linglong,fizzy and jean) went up and down jus to get da best deal (we asked for da prices,membership etc).yeah and so we settled for kster.
pix spells it all.
we made a mess of da whole room,woe gif a fucking damn,wad r service charge for?!woohoo,deres was once i sang some 'high' song dat da nutz fell all over da plc...linglong being da smarty ass one,covered da shiat wif da big cushion.haha she gave dat its-not-our-fault FACE,i jus burst out luffin can!
when wang lee hom's MV came bout,ooh he's so fucking cute can,linglong and da grandmutha (which is me), as usual man....bicker over whose da wife.its so obvious can.linglong,haha a step grandfather is coming up wahaha.
oh yeah and she lykes mark from westlife.yeah u heard me westlife.
linglong:i wanna marry him!!!he's so CUTE!!!
me:sure man!grandmutha will support ur marriage and send u off in a sedan ok?!i will need him to offer a few territories of his in exchange (ancient marriage customs for royalties) for ya hand.
you will look more 'pricey' in this way!
linglong:dunnit to get anything from him,i will go over to married him rite away,ok lao fo ye?!
me: ---____---
minutes linglong, lao fo ye have staked all my assets to bribe da pple so u can be on da waiting list to be Mark's bride!and da best i can do is to get number 29 for ya!u still haf to beat 28 pple,so sad!
linglong:i wanna be NUMBER 1!!!*sobz
so high.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 10:13 PM
a club wif lotsa alliances and affiliates.
man and i'm in all of them.
so cheapo.
u see.da word CHEAPO started when i scolded those idiots for winning da subaru challenge.and NOW we do haf a cheapo,or shud i sae many cheapos amongst us.
life jus rocks wit free coffee and aircon and newspaper at da CANON service centre.
dee jun zhu and i were gian-peng-ing arnd hahaha.
i was real glad there aint any spanish lessons today,ma afternoon was free after tfc.
cause for celebration,and we ate at some fake ya kun shop selling good kaya toast wif eggs.
i told dee bout da original ya kun kopitiam near far east SQUARE at raffles plc,will haf our toast there da nxt tym.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Sunday, November 20, 2005, 11:23 PM
i'm freaked out.totally.
MAN,deres an idiot in msn whose so irritating dat i jus can't blieve he exist in diz world.
irritatin as in he toks rubbish-his life and all those crap which i dun gif a fucking care for.he told me he dabbles in drugs and stuff,lyke i fucking gif a damn.
i dun even gif a hoot bout him.he jus scares me.
when i had decided to block him, he msged to grab some attention,i simply ignored.
a few tymes back i jus replied wit a 'yes' or 'no' or some short phrases,he even demanded longer replies!
he's diz fucking bhb kia who goes arnd demanding exp presents for his bdae!!lyke wtf?!
i noe him only a fw mths bck and he's only an acquaintance so to speak.
wads his fucking damn ass problem?!
he shud jus check into an asylum or sumthing.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 1:14 AM
May all ya endeavors,wishes,dreams,no matter how cheapo they are...come true immediately!I'm so sorry i cudnt make it to ya hse but hope ya lyke da gifts and yea lyke wad linglong said,it ain't cheapo!thnx for everything...from toking crap to prayin 4 me 4 da blady farking tp,jus rmb u'll be in our minds,we luv YA dearie!!!
Purlease enjoy ya special (though ya working...) day,u're one year older (though older den ur mother which is me, MAN.) hehe.we are the pure cheapo club members and royalties of da nxt generation,u'll be heading da cheapo association wahah!newaez...nxt week b4 TFC compensate ya ok?!
mother lao fo ye
(*gif u red/green packet bcos of fusion in our cultures)
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, November 18, 2005, 12:51 AM
sad to say.I'm officially an auntie.
when Da changjin (as in BIG changjin,dunnoe wads da eng name) first aired on TV,all my aunties were tokin bout it.
I jus shrugged it off cos firstly i aint a fan of korean dramas and yeah,i hate sad,soapy and draggy stories,which korean and jap serials haf ALWAYS contain dis kinda plot.da usual leadin actress being tortured and she being da determined gurl,fought all da way up,provin datgood triumphs over evil.yeah yeah uh huh.
secondly, dat's onli for aunties,i dun wanna be aunti-fied so young (18) siting on ma ass watching and discussin da story wif ma family.uurgh.
but heyhey.
wadam I doing now?!
watching BIG changjin EVERYDAY at 10pm on vv55,MA GAWD!LYKE WTH,WTF?!!!
my jie even shed some tears when dunnoe woe died in da show.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 12:29 AM
i alwaes take thangs fer granted.
linglong gg was passing dat hei bai pei (as in black white biscuits) arnd,we agreed to bring snacks 4 every boring lect (supposedly dere's alot haha).i ate da most pai seh to say cuz it was damn farking boring lah,so da box ended on my table,there were only 2 sticks left inside.
linglong gg:ok,i take half of a stick!
me:(matter-of-factly pointin to da box as if it was MY biscuits) TAKE IT LAH TAKE IT!
a few seconds later...
(realised dat it was actually HERS)
linglong gg: ---____---\
and so another lect ended.before we go,
me:yehoo,i bring wang wang 4 da nxt lect and throw to everyone ok?!they come in packets so can throw to EACH and everybody during lect!
linglong gg:u tink u superstar ah?pple throw posters u throw wang wang?!
(i burst out luffing as usual)
u've gotta be there in MA position.u jus can't stop luffin.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 10:11 PM
da last 2 lects was downryte boring.every slide dat victor joe posed up dere i jus copied and copied,and when da slide ended,i jus fall flat on da table,so slpy can.
and linglong granddotter kept poking me.i cant slp for nuts.
*poke *poke.TMD.
oh yeah and during fm (da usual passin of notes and pokey to self amuse), she jus made ma sides hurt.
i had 4gotten to bring da fucking bottle to sku,almost died of dehydratn man. lyke though it was supposedly cold cuz of da weather, woe cares,i still need ta cleanse ma mouth.da chocolate on da pokey got stucked on ma teeth.
me:hey linglong u got water?!
linglong:na,take take drink till u dun wanna drink liao den pass bck
drank a few mouthfuls)
*in da midst ofconfusion while copying da slides
me:hey linglong!
me:u got tissue?my hand and mouth dirty after eating pokey
and i can't stop luffing for da nt few slides.
linglong granddotter,ya FUCKING FARNIE MAN!!!!HHAHHAHAHA wth!
oh yeah and dit i mention,she bot da pokey,water and tissue.
hmmz grocery store.....hw
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 12:56 AM
First things first,
I'm gonna sound lyke some pageant queen thanking da entire world,pardon me.
linglong granddotter
dee dotter
da tot to post their well wishes and congrats on their blogs jus makes mi wanna cry.
u noe they prayed for ya.u peepz simply ROx!!! (so cliche..)
*sobz ni men rang wo hen gan dong
sexy class rep
i can't thank ya enuff pple,thnx for sharing ma joy and encouraging me thru out.
thnx agn for da totful sms-es!I luv u pple!
hawhaw.jus luv da look on some of ya faces when i played da prank on ya,waha!
of cos.not everyone fell for it man.damn.
WELL,if some of ya dunnoe wad i'm bullshittin bout,its ok.da pple above shud noe.
and den agn,
wif frens lyke these,who needs enemies. I'm blessed.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 12:05 AM
Singapore Design Festival 2005
The inaugural Singapore Design Festival, scheduled for 9 to 23 November 2005, is a multifaceted experience focusing on the design process and the conceptualisation of ideas. In essence the Festival aims to build upon the design culture in Singapore and around the world, making it an interactive and “live” experience of the design process and its end products.
The Festival activities will take place around Suntec City, Raffles City, and the Civic District, fanning out to other areas all over Singapore. Some of the activities include the festival’s feature events: DesignEDGE; International Design Forum; ADASIA 2005; the Red Dot award; Design Concept 2005 Celebrations; Young Asian Designers’ Award Ceremony and Beyond 2005 – The Global Summit for Creative Industries.
With a focus on design development, the Festival offers a broad range of activities including conventions, country presentations, curated exhibitions, workshops, open houses, product placements, award ceremonies and opportunities to meet other leaders in the design arena. We will be providing something for everyone!
From designers to design policy makers, agencies, schools, media, related industries, businesses and the general public - all are welcome to participate, enjoy and learn.
TFC has jus gotten betta,
tog wif da great companionship of ma TFC chumz,
do catch me dere fellas!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, November 09, 2005, 11:26 PM
AAwwww......fucking sweet can...
granddotter linglong is so worthy to be loved!
I'm so da core so to speak....will try ma best to focus, WILL tink of ya onli after whole thang is over alryte?!
*crying soon
LUV ya!!!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, November 08, 2005, 10:31 PM
wads da pt of standing for 61 hrs w/o resting on ur feet and palms jus to win dat blady subarus when u can well afford it,mr CONSULTANT?u r jus being plain cheapos who take away the opportunity from others the desire to win a car.u dun hafta do it Mr.
u BUY it idiots.
it's jus lyke da straits times 'drive away a Mazda', i din won and yes,walked away disappointed i dit,but da worst part of it was dat da winner is some blady biatch who had bot a car a week before and she's now taking her chances AGAIN.yeah cheapos.cancha jus shoo ur blady damn ass off and not waste da competition's entry forms,allowing others to haf a chance?!
i depise u.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Sunday, November 06, 2005, 11:22 PM
i'm so bothered by ma TP which is diz cuming thur.
i guess dats partly y i was or got so emo diz past few days...bear wit me pple.thanx fiz who had been spurring me on before ma revision lessons wit short and sweet smses.he jus knew dat i was either pissed wit da instructor or simply pissed wit maself. thnx granddotter linglong gege,haiz lao fo ye certainly WUD lyked to be a goot role model,but all fucked up lah.oso thnx chic for da well wishes,i hope i wun letcha down.
i'm stressed.mum said dat if i din pass dis tym round,wud hafta wait till i gt ma diploma...which is wad?2 yrs tym?!all my pdls and theories wud haf expired.*pengz.
'i do not want it to seem it's da case where i'm forcing ya to take ur driving,after diz test,its up to ya.'
cos she noes dat dis few days,at da slight mention of da word 'driving',i wud either sulk or change subject (my usual response after da first failed attempt).urgh.
if i actually see it in another way,perhaps she's jus trying to encourage me to focus during lessons,or goad me to pass ma TP.which is goot.
godmum rang me up to inform of a chalet coming up,so mum added dat if i pass diz tym,she wud rent a car (which is wad happen when jie passed hers) so dat both of us can drive da car back and forth,fetching pple and stuff etc.
personally,i WISH TO BLADLY HELL PASS DIZ MUTHAFUGGA TEST PPLE!but if things jus go beyond ma control,lyke fever and flu (which farking hell hindered ma performance during da first attempt) or weather (rain is a no-no),i simply jus hafta rely on ya,luck.
travelling to and fro,queens-gombak,gombak-queens, fucking tiring.i do know WHY maself.its alwaes da case after driving,i get so tired i jus need a goot rest.It's as if gombak has sucked ma soul off me or sumthang,i just feel so lethargic.i hated dat feeling.i really do.
ok mind bogglin thangs aside.
i shud digress.
wenta toa payoh for a heartlanders shopping trip.its certainly crowded man.u can realli get cheap stuff there.
i rmb yaya told ashley i do wear pjs to slp,ya and its those kinda cartoon characters where u can simply get at pasar malam.BIG and AIRY,i like heh.cumon,its to be worn to slp,i'm nt gonna wear it to town n parade k.
ashley:wah so dat means when there's a pasar malam ,u can see manda chionging for da pjs,neng nia chap kor (2 for 10 bucks in hokien)
me:waha,cute mah,den very airy,i hate wearing shorts and shirt to slp,it jus gets so uncomfy.
so yeah,i bot 2 today,and some earrings coupled wit a bangle,towels...u cant expect much from heartland shopping k.
wad?patronising LV,gucci or prada shop in da heart of toa payoh?!
ya've gotta be kiddin.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, November 04, 2005, 1:03 AM

tot diz pic fit da music
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, November 03, 2005, 2:01 AM

Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin to all my malay chums!
happy burfday hafiz aka ma prob pal!!!may u be blessed and many happy returns for da day!!!
thnx for being da listening ear,i can't thank you enuff for all dat.I'm blessed wif a fren lyke ya.
hafiz,dee,,ma dotter,za,farhan,khairul,siti so on and forth....a toast to ya.
ok i'm in ma pjs.heh.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, November 01, 2005, 10:51 PM
uploaded da albums under captures.can take a look.
pple this days jus luv aliases.sneaky eh.
Manda tilts head_______* ;