Thursday, December 29, 2005, 2:45 PM
fuckin slpy
fucking sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fuckin sian
fuckin slpy
fucki sian
oh,dit i eva mention i watched kingkong 3 tymes?!!dats lyke 9 hrs of da movie in all?!
wahaha,i cud jus rmb da farnie parts and da whole sequence can.
da last tym dat happened -- bot da pirated
'parent trap' vcd and watched it lyke? 25 tymes?28 tymes?
man,da vcd 'seh mo
-ed' in da end.
fyi,i still have it wit me heh.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, December 23, 2005, 1:20 AM

black sux like fuck man.not dat i dunnoe la.
i din see any improvement in da music,it jus gt worse each tym i gt there.
oh my's bad fuckin music ya've gt.
no choice,it seemed lyke we were destined to go there since mos opened & all da crowd had flock there,we din lyke da long queues and big crowd so ended up there.again.
made me so emo lah but wit da company of ll granddotter ,yaya and fizzy,it was kewl enuff,jus crap abit here and there jus kills tym boy.fiz gt hit on,boy it was so farnie can.hahaha!
ll gt abit tipsy (HAHAHA i luv da way she spouts her nonsense and starts giggle at nth,rite ll???),look at da way she dwned her drinks,MAN,its linglong ya tokin bout,hawhaw.
perhaps da nxt session nxt week wud be bettter,rite guys?
i'm off to mos tonite.
pics will do da tokin.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 2:23 PM
i tell u a secret.
i freaked da shit outta my dear linglong (wif da coordination of a director and scriptwriter and actress)!!!>>>inside joke
who has took over da empire...lfy's so old still can scare pple...
u see i'm old but young at heart...
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 2:22 PM

Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 2:21 PM

Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 2:19 PM

heres to ya.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 2:07 PM
heres to djz and u onli.wif our (lil ll and lfy) blessings,ya sure u gonna haf a gr8 tym venturing to da other side of da world,beyond da lands which lfy's ancestors have conquered,bringing bck ur experiences and sharing it wif rest of da palace's pple!
adios to dee jun zhu!!!
haf a nice tym in LONDON >>>inside joke huh,hahaha!!!
dont forget bout us,and i will make sure u DONT,hawhaw.
we will miss u,ur crap and farnic antics,somethin's missin w/o u huh,lfy will send escorts to make sure u arrive there safely,imperial guards,horses,maids,eunuchs,u name it.we have it.
luckily gt lil linglong wit da x factor to accompany lfy,if nt she will die of some old age senile illness.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 12:42 AM

da shades jus fade
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 12:41 AM

i DUN c myself
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 10:37 PM
da gruellin CAs jus ended.
as promised,pics frm da past week.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:37 PM

Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:31 PM

Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:30 PM

cheers pple.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:30 PM

passion.yuanyang.mighty joe
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:28 PM

*faint* vainpot ll
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:21 PM

hiphop wit cash money
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:18 PM

mambo jambo
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:18 PM

after:life of da partay...
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 10:14 PM

worn out even b4 da partay starts
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 1:14 AM
went tcc taday,pix will be up soon.
friday simply uh,rocks?2 lects n off ya rot.
cot sadistic sawII flick.
da 'venus flytrap' and pool of syringes were jus wicked can,haha.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Monday, December 05, 2005, 1:30 AM

man.all da fuss's bout.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Friday, December 02, 2005, 12:21 AM
played badminton.MAN,i can feel my fats as i jumped 4 da shutterc,its been ages since i last exercised.hoho,its tym ta lose those kilos.
SSO nia.
took klaz foto xcited coz itz ma first in sp,lyke i missed da first one.
or shud i say SKIPPED.waha.
yaya made me luff during FM 2day,shes so EMO cuz da tutor and da ENV was affectin her BADLY.waha so attitude wif a cap A.imagine after a game of badminton in jeans and straight headin 4 da world's most 2pid and ridiculous tut wif a i-dunnoe-hw-to-describe tutor!
MAN,heading nowhere can.
durin lunch,linglong bickered wif fizzy agn.
linglong:hey gt 3 pple i can sign up 4 da plan.ya noe dat m1 plan thingy! i added u(me) and yaya,dunnoe put woe 4 da third person..
yaya:ur sista lah!
ll:she not m1 leh
fizzy:i m1 ,can add me mah!
ll:NOT necessary!...
me:goot wad hafiz m1 oso ,add him lah!
ll:(lookin at hafiz) not necessary!
linglong accompanied me 2 da toilet to change,i took damn fucking long a tym,while she changed in split seconds,oh so wads da hurry ah ger?gd enuff she waited for me la.
i told linglong to climb the lect hall wall today (dissing her cos of her height)
linglong:i wanna join da talentime committee !(wif a cheeky grin)
me: (gifing a dun-tink-i-dunnoe-wad-u-up-to look) aiyoh sure nt?u mus climb here and there leh,ya noe u so s***t,ltr they ask u ta go climb da walls hw?!
linglong:i'm in da talentime committee, not da rock climbin committee. -___-
wahaha.i luffed for a mere few min.INSIDE joke>>>
yeah sure linglong granddotter,pls come up wif more stuff since u af da 'X' factor, ta keep me awake can.
theres more but i'll juss leave it 4 maself ta luff lest u pple tink i'm nutz.
too doo loo.
Manda tilts head_______* ;