Monday, January 23, 2006, 12:19 PM
memoirs of a geisha last sat wit da family n da 'mei chu xi' one (dats wad i call him waha),it was goot.seriously.Errm,a rating of 4 outta 5 fucking stars!
except dat the dialogue was super draggy (jap and cheena eng ,wad da ya expect?),da rest of da story was nt bad.
some tots:
i tot da lil gurl who played da young zhang zi yi was pretty good looking.
mizuage was kinda cool,lyke a nite wit ya can become so expensive!haha!
zhang zi yi looked stupid in dat stage performance
gong li looked lyke a fantanbulous whore so to speak!
da dialogue was so slow dat i managed to catch all da sarcasm (for once since my brain function slower den da normal beings hawhaw)
kayz.ya shud go catch it.
blaw starts at one,da tym now's 1245,wad da fuck am i doing here?!
byedi peepz.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:15 PM
hw to go visitin wif such lil new clothes for da new year.not dat i'm fussy bt i jus cant seem to find a design dat i lyke (xcept 4 da few below),yeah and i dun wanna buy those gowns which seemed so exaggeratin if u were to wear for a smart casual outing/sku.AND of cos ,da usual situation: design super nice but it looks lyke pangsai on u,so sick n yea,it sure looked lyke pangsai on me!
bot 3 tops and 2 bottoms fr IS,york canvas,individual expression,zara (i alwaes get da rite sizes fr here,jus luv it) and lil match gurl.
da gurl at york canvas looked lyke RUTH from project superstar,so scary can!!!i almost got a shock when trying da clothes,her height,da face and definitely da hair,lyke some kind twin sista,ya've gotta c her to believe it hehehe.
da worst thang is.i've got SO many ear rings and there i went ,buying more,cos da designs were goot and its so cheap!yea yea super cheapo hawhaw.hw can ya resist when u haf
'wu pi wu qi' (hokien for cheap and goot).
fuck more week.hopefully theres sumthang out there.
if not i will resist to go visiting and stay at anti social.
one thang i hate bout visiting:'wah ger ah,y u so tall ah?!u taller den ur sis ah?!' (wit da tone as if i stole all her nutrients or sumthang lidat.fucker.)
it's so obvious so mus ya remind me dat i'm shorter den my dad and taller den da rest of da's nt dat i'm tall u piece of muthafugga shits,you peepz are simply sh**t!
any peepz interested ta go 4 da motorola black carnival at DXO on da 21st Jan?
I've gt exclusive invites for 4,dress code black or gold.
magical fashion show:individualistic is KING
blame me for my itchy fingers and now i dun wan da invites.mail me.
to ash: YEAH pms-ing in progressing ...haha emo-nization!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Thursday, January 05, 2006, 10:21 PM

we are so 'alive'.haw.
click to enlarge.
Manda tilts head_______* ;