ah dee mee pok
Monday, November 20, 2006, 11:58 PM
happy burfday ah dee!!!
fuck u lah dee!!!
many happy returns and gr8 years ahead....u minah....hope ya can find a matt as ur Mr Right!
hope ya wishes can come true and u can bring me to ARAB STRT one day ,jus one day when ur blady ITP give u leave on sth....and hopefully i can HOP ON to palawan and meet u there for lunch!!!
happy.......burfday.....to YYYYOoooUUUUUU!
Manda tilts head_______* ;
Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 1:37 PM
i m way pissed at d.ho
she ought to get alive or sth. diz cb bitch gt da own bd gang dwn for a mock presentatn 2day and I,being da damn tired one cudnt even concentrate on wad she was commenting bout.
i mean sorrie, 'rubbish-ing' bout.
she's a piece of crap, i noe u jus love it when pple fawn on u. welcoming u with 'gd morning d.ho!',cheering on u, wolf whistling..(i noe u r deprived cos ur blady husband dun gif u enuff attention rite?!) tell me its true.
helow?! i noe u lyke da guys from scm and bf but pls dun overlook on our fucking efforts ya.
wad akan datang?!u cheebye muthafugga,u tink its so ez to come up with brand positioning strategies for some blady 2pid equipment supplier dat not I,not even YOU have an exact idea bout.
knew it. you wanna leave a good impression to our long term client rite? den get another blady grp to do tt for ya man.owells, jus form another GUYS ONLY grp and u get kiss their faces all da way to their ass man wit ur peanut-smelling mouth.
yeah, u can jus rubbish ur way thru at our ideas but mind ya, i took a way long time to research on MY part. I knew wad i was gonna present.but too bad, the sight of u makes me so sick nth came outta my mouth dis morning , thus i cudnt even word vomit my way thru to explain da 'leasing' part. We can jus do it simply on da ppt and leave the clients asking ALL DA QUESTIONS cos why, they WILL BE SO puzzled at da brief slides and in turn,who suffers?
you fucking opera singer.
lemme warn ya, da nxt tym u shud get da whole klaz to be an ALL GUYS AFFAIR, and leave us gurls alone.cos why, we cant FAWN on ya. I am so sorrie but i do not have such inclinations,lest on opera singers. i dun haf da habit of wolf whistling when u r arnd nor agreeing with everything you said biatch.
ur husband cudnt satisfy ya enuff dat u haf to look forward to every mon and thur for da guys to go 'ga-ga' over u ya?!
i bet they mus be puking in their heart,bleeding in their minds.sucha torture.
cheebye man.scolding US over minor details and affecting my mood.helow.we are THERE to receive ur scoldings, if i aint happie i wun be going to see ur blady fucking face and smile at u (sorrie i was cursing u inside) but true to my responsibility and da proj, i haf to suffer the 2 hrs standing behind u while u stare at da blady com.
forgot to mention tt i had a dagger on my hands, each tym u comment on da recommendations,i was leaving HOLES on ur back, u blady worthless shit!
oh gr8, she jus makes me boil.
screw YOU.yeah YOU.
dumbo d.ho
Manda tilts head_______* ;
, 12:21 AM

(red blady faces)
teenage no more. young adult no more. its da adult era.
Happy 21st burfday to my dear jie!
gawd.hafiz and hers jus one day after another, small world eh.
oh and she better grow up and stop irritating and nagging at me.
well da partay was gr8 but it ended in sorta disastrous manner.
10 over bottles of wine,dozens of beer...
man,all da sloshed peepz and passed out drunkards,and i had to clear da mess in hougang.
what a night!
btw da pic has my jie and her whole bunch of uni frens attempting to make her pass out, mind u they are perhaps 1/6 of guests there, da house was practically packed.
but i din managed to take da chocolate fountain.sigh.
Manda tilts head_______* ;
bundle of joy
Saturday, November 04, 2006, 12:01 AM
to my dear fren :
happy burfday FIZZY!
may ya stay happy,
all your wishes come true,
many happy returns...
no matter wad, nth will get ya down.NOTHING at all.
do enjoy dis very special day, and hope ya lyke da prez!
frm ur eva farnie fren,
Manda tilts head_______* ;